[PythonCAD] PythonCAD subversion checkout info

Art Haas ahaas at airmail.net
Sat Jun 28 00:00:43 EDT 2003


Here's the response from the Subversion mailing list ...

----- Forwarded message from cmpilato at collab.net -----

Pre-1.0, our stated compatibility promise is that a server and client
that are no younger than one minor revision apart will work together.

So, a 0.24 client will work with a 0.23, 0.24, or 0.25 server.  A 0.20
server will work with a 0.19, 0.20, or 0.21 client.  Outside that, all
bets are off.  Once we approach 1.0 though, we won't be expecting
everyone to keep up with bleeding edge like this any more.

----- End forwarded message -----

So, the problem is almost certainly due to the version difference
between subversion on the remote machine and the version on your local
machine. I'm going to see about upgrading the Subversion binary on the
remote machine this weekend, but I don't know if the upgrade can be done
this weekend, next week, or sometime after that. As there is a problem
with using an old subversion binary on the remote machine, that software
must be and will be upgraded, and soon. I don't have a timetable just
yet. I'd recommend to all subversion users to update their local
subversion binary to the latest release, or better yet, the latest
revision in the tigris.org svn repo. Subversion 0.25 looks like it will
be released very shortly, and the new version promises to have more bug
fixes and improvements, so I'll be upgrading my local svn binary to it
when the Subversion developers make it available. It is very likely
that 0.25 (or later) will be what is on the remote machine before too

FYI, the Subversion mailing list can be accessed from that projects home


Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities
the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.

-Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 1822

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