[python-win32] AMD64 build 220 for python 3.6 - installer looking for registry entry 3.6-32 which is probably incorrect for the x64 installer

Waldemar Osuch waldemar.osuch at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 10:19:38 EST 2017

Not a solution per say but a workaround if you are interested is:
1) Download the pywin32 in the wheel format from  Christoph Gohlke's,
"thanks god it exists" site

2) Get the one appropriate for your Python version (

3) use "pip install <libname>.whl to install it.

4) Run
 `python.exe Scripts\pywin32_postinstall.py -install` from an elevated
command prompt.
As the site mentions.  The key is "elevated command prompt".

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