[python-win32] AMD64 build 220 for python 3.6 - installer looking for registry entry 3.6-32 which is probably incorrect for the x64 installer

pywin32 at derketo.com pywin32 at derketo.com
Mon Feb 13 06:31:03 EST 2017

On Win 7 Enterprise 64-bit, with 64-bit python 3.6 I downloaded and ran 
as administrator the following AMD64 build of 220 for python 3.6:


The installer gets stuck after looking for registry entry "3.6-32", 
which is probably incorrect for the x64 installer

Also, when it does not find the (wrong) entry in the registry (correct 
"3.6" one is there under both HKLM and HKCU) the text box where the path 
appears on the installer is not manually editable so you cannot override 
the (failed) lookup with the correct directory.

64-bit Python 3.6 is installed in C:\Python36, version:

Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 
bit (AMD64)]

Setting the registry entry incorrecty to 3.6-32 instead of 3.6 allowed 
the installer to run and report success, but I can't import win32con or 
win32api in python, so I assume that the version mismatch was fatal in 
some way.

I was expecting that to result in:

a) a fatal crash if the architecture is incorrect, or

b) complete success if it is just the installer which is looking for 32 
bit instead of 64 bit registry entries and the version within the 
installer is built for x64 as advertised

I don't seem to have either of those.

I am returning to python after a bit of a gap and was trying to get up 
to speed and to grips with django etc. under 3.6 with a SQLServer 
backend and that appears to want pywin32 (which I have also used in the 
past) so I am now slightly stuck.

Any suggestions appreciated.



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