[python-win32] pywintypes assert sys.modules[modname] is old_mod

Jim Carroll jim at maplesong.com
Sat Jun 30 15:57:42 CEST 2012

> Did you actually have multiple copies of the 2.7 dll's ?

Not really...  Just in the usual places:

>>> find = ['pywintypes.py', 'pywintypes27.dll', 'pythoncom27.dll']
>>> for (path,dirs,files)in os.walk('\\'):
...    for f in find:
...       if f in files: print "%s in %s" % (f, path)
pywintypes.py in \Documents and Settings\aldev\Desktop\pywin32-214\win32\lib
pywintypes27.dll in \Python27\Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32
pythoncom27.dll in \Python27\Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32
pywintypes.py in \Python27\Lib\site-packages\win32\lib
pywintypes27.dll in \WINDOWS\system32
pythoncom27.dll in \WINDOWS\system32

I am trying to uninstall al of Python26 though.

For a while I was getting the error despite commenting out the asserts
at the bottom of pywintypes.py,  even after a reboot and deleting 
the pyc and pyos!  So something is getting cached.

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