[python-win32] Creating PyCComboBox?

John Sheehan jsheehan at jennasys.com
Sat Jun 11 22:28:41 CEST 2011

Just my opinion, but if anyone decides to create a combo box, the one that  
has been part of MS Access since at least version 2.0 would be the one to  
model it after.  I have yet to see any combo box in any  
language/platform/application that has worked as well as that one does.

John Sheehan

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011 09:09:06 -0700, Vernon Cole <vernondcole at gmail.com>  

> I've been intending to make enough time to create a combobox for PyGUI.   
> In
> my humble opinion, the combobox provided by Windows GUI is brain damaged  
> to
> the point of utter frustration and should not be used for human
> consumption.  I sent an epistle to this effect to the wxpython group, and
> got the answer "that's what the OS provides."
>   The problem is that the Windows combobox does not allow for the user to
> type more than one letter to select an item from the list -- there is no
> provision for matching to a substring. Let's say that I am trying to  
> select
> "Wisconsin" from a list of states of the U.S.  I type the "W" and get
> "Washington". Then I type the "I" and get "Idaho".  Most frustrating.   
> If I
> am trying to select "1950" from a list of acceptable years, I must use  
> the
> mouse, or scroll down 50 times from "1900". Yech!
>   I think that a proper combobox will have to be coded at a higher  
> level.  I
> hope I'm wrong.
> --
> Vernon Cole

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