[python-win32] VS.NET2005

Howard Lightstone howard at eegsoftware.com
Wed Sep 26 00:05:59 CEST 2007

I have been a little remiss in reporting bugs but I DID have to 
modify 12 or 13 files to in order to build pywin32 using VS2005 
(along with a change to the distutils msvccompiler.py module).

I built from a 210 base but I suppose I really ought to make 
sure the changes make it into the next "stable" version - even 
though it seems Microsoft will have passed me by with their 
"new" compiler vs2008 by the time I can breathe again...

Most of the changes are just to conform the the more rigid 
type-checking VS2005 imposes but I did have to get help on a 
templating problem (solution provided by Alexandar Kabanets, 
thank you).

I'll try to diff these out and submit them next week.

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