[python-win32] win32gui.GetOpenFileName()

Tony Cappellini cappy2112 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 07:51:20 CET 2007


I'm using Python 2.5, and PythonWin build 210.

This function takes one argument, but there is no info in the help for this.
What is the argument and the type of the argument?

win32gui.GetOpenFileNameW() takes several args, but there is lots of help
GetOpenFileNameW(hwndOwner, hInstance , Filter , CustomFilter ,
FilterIndex , File , MaxFile , InitialDir , Title , Flags , DefExt ,
TemplateName )

However, what I'd like to have is this same dialog, that allows me to
select multiple files.

I can do this with PyQt calling getOpenFileNames(), and I'd like to be
able to do it natively.

Is there a way I can select multiple files with either of the above
mentioned calls?
(pressing Control doesn't work)


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