[python-win32] GIS Shape file upload FTP server

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Fri Mar 2 15:09:49 CET 2007

Ahmed, Shakir schrieb:
> HI Group,
> As I am very new in python field so this question might be very silly
> but if I get any help that is highly appreciated.
> Problem: 
> I wrote a python script which is working fine to upload files to the ftp
> server but the problem it is reducing the actual size of the after
> transferring. I need to upload a GIS Shape file to the ftp server but
> want to keep the same size and format. Any idea or help is highly
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Shakir
> Staff Geographer
> Sfwmd.gov
> The code is as follows: 
> # Import system modules
> import os
> import sys 
> import win32com.client
> import zipfile
> import os.path
> import ftplib
> from ftplib import FTP
> ftp=ftplib.FTP("ftp.mysite.*","","")  
> ftp.login('*****','*****')
> #ftp.cwd("/export/pub/****")
> ffile = open('c:\\test\\*.shp', 'r')
> ftp.storbinary("stor *.shp", ffile)
> ffile.close()
> print "OK"
> ftp.quit()

On Windows, you have to open binary files in binary mode:

> ffile = open('c:\\test\\*.shp', 'rb')
otherwise the file will be truncated at the first ^Z character.


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