[python-win32] Unpackaged binary version of pywin32

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 17:56:11 CET 2006

On 11/14/06, Ross McKerchar <it at crummock.com> wrote:
> Is there anywhere I can download a compiled but unpackaged version of
> pywin32?
> I would like to repackage the win32 extensions as an msi using the the
> bdist_msi distutils extension, allowing me to deploy the package to
> multiple clients using group policy.
> The sourceforge project page only lists executable installers and the
> source distribution (which isn't much use without MS Visual Studio).
> Feel free to shoot me down to earth if there's any reason why this
> approach will never work - the bdist_msi extension does seem quite
> "bleeding edge".
> Thanks for all your help!

The executable installer (bdist_wininst) format is basically a zip
file with an executable header added, so you can unzip it using
something like winzip. Having said that, the installer runs a
postinstall script to do a lot of the setup actions - I don't know if
bdist_msi handles postinstall scripts.

Have fun!

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