[python-win32] (no subject)

mferguson at ntlworld.com mferguson at ntlworld.com
Wed Mar 3 08:34:33 EST 2004

I've been playing with an IE automation example and poking about in the IE DOM. I've got a bit of an understanding of what's going on but I was wondering if there was a way to know what attributes/properties/methods are available (other than looking at other people's code), I use the available MS doc ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/objects/obj_document.asp ) but it just doesn't quite seem to cover everything. For example, if I go to a particular page (code simplified):

    ie = DispatchEx('InternetExplorer.Application')
    doc = ie.Navigate( 'http://myserver/mypage.html'')

then I can do:

>>> doc.forms[0].name
>>> doc.images[0].name
>>> doc.images[0].nameProp

Now, I used 'nameProp' above because I saw it in another script but how would I have worked out that 'nameProp' works for images but forms use 'name'? Is there a way to get a list of all the available properties?



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