[python-win32] Any way to get PyHANDLE for any running process?

Brett Cannon bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Jul 2 20:34:16 EDT 2004

Mark Hammond wrote:
> See the other replies - but first, you should try and fix it "cleanly".  IE
> should die when the last reference to it is released, and Visible is not set
> to True.  If this doesn't happen, there is a good chance you have references
> to IE still hanging around your code.  Looking at the value of
> pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount() should tell you this.  If you have the
> problem even when _GetInterfaceCount() returns 0, then you have no choice -
> but if _GetInterfaceCount() is non-zero, then try locating where these
> references are, and have it report 0.  The problem may then magically vanish
> (just like IE!)

I think the problem was having IE visible when I tried to close it.  It 
has been behaving all day today (and I don't view it while I use the COM 
object).  It looks like that was the problem.

I know have a new-found respect for Windows programmers who manage to 
keep their sanity.


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