[python-win32] Windows Server Share Info

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Fri Jan 16 04:14:49 EST 2004

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steven M. Faulconer [mailto:geek at cfl.rr.com]
>Sent: 16 January 2004 00:09
>To: python-win32 at python.org
>Subject: [python-win32] Windows Server Share Info
>I'm looking into writing a script to hunt down all open shares 
>import win32net
>shares = win32net.NetShareEnum("<servername>", 2)
My problem is 
>interpretting some of the values in the shares[0] list, mainly 
>type and 

>From your reference to STYPE* you've obviously read this:


The STYPE things are Microsoft-defined constants. Some of these are
 wrapped in win32con; others aren't. These aren't. So it's time to
 go hunting. A Google for "STYPE_DISKTREE" gives a first hit of...
 the ActiveState Python 2.3 docs! (Is this good, or what?) which
 points us to win32security. win32security.STYPE_DISKTREE gives
 us: 0; win32security.STYPE_IPC is 3 and so on. If we convert your
 negative numbers to hex: hex (-2147483648) is 0x80000000 and 
 hex (-2147483645) is 0x80000003 which is looking suspiciously close.

Therefore... I can only assume (without bothering to read the source)
 that intentionally or otherwise, the top bit of this DWORD is being
 set to give you the 0x8... and negative numbers. If you, by whatever
 manipulation you wish, (eg type & 0x7fffffff), knock off the top bit
 you'll have the numbers defined in win32security.

Wow. That was fun. (Sorry, this isn't meant to be snarky; sometimes
 you really feel you're being given the runaround by the API.) 
 As to the permissions, I don't really know where to start.

Of course... (you knew this was coming, didn't you) you could
 use WMI for this. It doesn't actually offer you much more, but
 by inspection, the Win32_Share class does have an AccessMask
 value which -- if absent -- suggests an open share. You'd have
 to fiddle, but something like this:


import wmi
import win32security
c = wmi.WMI ()

for share in c.Win32_Share ():
  if (share.Type & 0x7fffffff) == win32security.STYPE_DISKTREE:
    print share.Name, share.Path,
    if share.AccessMask is None:
      print "No access control"
      print "Some access control"



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