[python-win32] Windows Server Share Info

Steven M. Faulconer geek at cfl.rr.com
Thu Jan 15 19:09:17 EST 2004

I'm looking into writing a script to hunt down all open shares (everyone 
permissions) on our servers and I'm having difficulties understanding 
something. Right now, this is what I've got:

import win32net
shares = win32net.NetShareEnum("<servername>", 2)

shares is now a list, whith shares[0] being a list of dictionaries 
containing the share information and shares[1] being the number of 
shares found (please correct me if I am wrong). My problem is 
interpretting some of the values in the shares[0] list, mainly type and 
permissions. I've looked at the MSDN information, but it isn't being 
very helpful. The 'permissions' key always has a '0' value, which 
doesn't tell me much. The code is being executed by someone with 
administrator privileges on all systems.  The type is similarly 
returning odd values, not quite what the MSDN site says it should. I'm 
getting large negative numbers instead of STYPE*.

My guess is I'm doing this totally wrong, so any advice would be greatly 



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