[python-win32] win32evtlogutil.SafeFormatMessage don't work with some events

Y. H. Rhiu master at hilug.org
Thu Jan 15 22:22:53 EST 2004

I installed wmi module and excuted the code below.
(I think wmi module is a little slow, but useful.)

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI (privileges=["Security"])

watcher = c.watch_for (

while 1:
  error = watcher ()
  print "Error in %s log: %s" %  (error.Logfile, error.Message)

However, when "error = watcher ()" line is excuted, pythonwin is down.
(I'm using PythonWin 2.3.2 and Windows 2003 Enterprise.)

How can I fix it?

Y.H. Rhiu

> >I would like to monitor events about disk error of win2003 server.
> >So I wrote a python code capture 'Disk' event or 'dmio' event.
> >
> >But I've realized win32evtlogutil.SafeFormatMessage() don't
> >work with 'dmio' event.
> >So I can't see description of 'dmio' event by my python code below.
> >(but we can see the description by using windows event viewer.)
> I'm not an expert in event log stuff, but can I suggest this
>  as an alternative method of monitoring:
> http://tgolden.sc.sabren.com/python/wmi_cookbook.html#monitor_error_events
> If you think it'll help and you're not sure how to alter
>  it to suit what you're doing, I'm happy to help you
>  adapt it.
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