[python-uk] Fwd: [EuroPython-Members] EuroPython 2015: Your chance to sign up as a launch sponsor

Hansel Dunlop hansel at interpretthis.org
Fri Jan 16 12:18:02 CET 2015

Hi All, I'm on the sponsors work group for EuroPython 2015 in Bilbao
(España!!!) this year. If any of the companies you work for are interested
in being launch sponsors then you need to get in touch quickly. i,e: Start
talking to us next week. Launch sponsors get extra exposure because they
are included in the initial announcements (at no extra cost :)

If you think your company **should** be interested in sponsoring EuroPython
but you're really not the right person to talk to then maybe drop me a line
privately with the name of the person who handles that stuff and I'll take
it from there.

You can see the forwarded email below or read the full announcement on the
blog here:


Hansel Dunlop

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M.-A. Lemburg <mal at europython.eu>
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:56 AM
Subject: [EuroPython-Members] EuroPython 2015: Your chance to sign up as a
launch sponsor
To: EuroPython Society Members <europython-members at lists.egenix.com>

Just released on the blog...

Companies who would like to sign up as a EuroPython 2015 launch sponsor
are encouraged to contact the sponsor work group at:

                        sponsoring at europython.eu

Launch sponsors will get the additional benefit of being listed on the
website when we launch - for free. You just need to be quick, since the
launch is planned for early in February.

More Booths and more Sponsor Slots

The Euskalduna Conference Center and Concert Hall (ECC) venue in Bilbao
was chosen as conference venue for EuroPython 2015:


It offers plenty of room for sponsor booths, so we will try to make
EuroPython 2015 as effective as possible for you as sponsors by offering
more booth space and sponsor slots than ever before:


This is your chance to reach out to more than a thousand enthusiastic
and highly motivated EuroPython attendees !

Please email us at sponsoring at europython.eu and we’ll send you the
sponsor brochure.

EuroPython Society (EPS)

PS: Please help spread the word and forward this email to companies
you know, your local lists, user groups, etc. Many thanks !

EuroPython-Members Mailing List

EuroPython: https://www.europython.eu/
EuroPython Society: http://www.europython-society.org/
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