[python-uk] Fwd: [psf-members-ann] ANN: Python Events Calendar - Please submit your 2015 events​

Dougal Matthews dougal at dougalmatthews.com
Tue Jan 13 22:35:11 CET 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at python.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 9:23 PM
Subject: [psf-members-ann] ANN: Python Events Calendar - Please submit your 2015 events
To: "PSF Members Announcements" <psf-members-announce at python.org>

> [Please help spread the word by forwarding to other relevant mailing lists,
>  user groups, etc. world-wide; thanks :-)]
> ________________________________________________________________________
>          Python Events Calendars - Please submit your 2015 events
>            maintained by the Python Software Foundation (PSF)
>                     and a group of volunteers
> ________________________________________________________________________
> As some of you may know, the PSF has a team of volunteers who are
> maintaining a set of central Python event calendars. We currently have
> two calendars in place:
>  * Python Events Calendar - meant for conferences and larger gatherings
>    focusing on Python or a related technology (in whole or in part)
>  * Python User Group Calendar - meant for user group events and other
>    smaller local events
> The calendars are displayed on http://pycon.org/ and also on the new
> https://python.org/ website at https://www.python.org/events/python-events/
> and https://www.python.org/events/python-user-group/.
> You can subscribe to the calendars using iCal and RSS feeds and also
> embed the calendar widgets on your sites. We have also added a
> Twitter feed @PythonEvents to get immediate updates whenever a new
> event is added. Please see our wiki page for details:
>    https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar
> The calendars are open to the world-wide Python community, so you
> can have local user group events, as well as regional and
> international conference events added to the calendars.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Looking back on 2014, the calendars have proven to be a great tool
> for the Python community to connect, with more than 60 conferences
> and more than a hundred of user group events listed.
> We would therefore like to encourage everyone to submit their
> 2015 events, so that the Python community can get a better overview
> over what's happening in Python land.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Please see the instructions at https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar#Available_Calendars
> for details on how to
> submit an event. We've made it really easy for you: just need to send
> an email to our team address using the email template we
> provide for this. Thanks.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> More information on the calendars, the URLs, feed links, IDs, embedding,
> etc. is available on the wiki:
>     https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar
> Enjoy,
> -- 
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> Director
> Python Software Foundation
> http://www.python.org/psf/
> _______________________________________________
> psf-members-announce mailing list
> psf-members-announce at python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-members-announce
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