[python-uk] London Python Code Dojo (Season 3, Episode 8)

Carles Pina i Estany carles at pina.cat
Fri Mar 30 11:25:00 CEST 2012


On Mar/29/2012, Greg Roodt wrote:

> The next London Python Code Dojo is go! It will take place in a week's
> time on Thursday 5 April from 6:30pm.

Ohhh... I'll be on the way to the airport. Have fun!

I wanted to comment something in the Dojo: at my company (Mendeley) we
have an open position:
It's a position in my team, feel free to contact me if you have some
questions/comments (or contact jobs at mendeley.com , say that you come
from the Python List). Qt is not required but it's an advantage.

It's not in the job spec but Python is used. We also hosted a Python
Code Dojo back in November or December (now would be more difficult
because some new arrangements in the office).

Another interesting position:

Feel free to forward!


Carles Pina i Estany

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