[python-uk] [pyconuk] Python-UK Google Plus Community

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Tue Dec 11 14:41:34 CET 2012

On 11/12/2012 11:10, Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
> And that somebody being me :-)

And thank you for taking the initiative. As I mentioned before, I have
nothing against Google+ as such, except for the fact that I don't really
go there very often. (Maybe this will be an incentive). The current
showing suggests that there are lots of people who do.

I'm definitely not going to ignore the Google+ community; but every time
I make a foray into Google+ I leave nonplussed. I'm sure it's just me :)

Point taken about the downsides to a two-way channel. I'm sure, if
anyone had enough incentive, that one could arrange a moderated channel
if there really was a need. Perhaps the need won't really emerge.
Meanwhile, as you suggest here -- and there -- anyone who wishes can
cross-post or repost.


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