[python-uk] [pyconuk] Python-UK Google Plus Community

Martin P. Hellwig martin.hellwig at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 12:10:25 CET 2012

On 11 December 2012 10:48, Jonathan Hartley <tartley at tartley.com> wrote:

> On 11/12/2012 09:02, Mike Sandford wrote:
>> On Mon, 2012-12-10 at 21:08 +0000, Russel Winder wrote:
>>> For me the problem is not Google, the problem is that it is a forum. A
>>> forum is a place you have to go to to find out what is happening. Some
>>> people like this. I want interaction to come to me. In particular it
>>> needs to be in my email.  Google has this idea that if you sign up for
>>> email notifications, you get notified of the presence of an event, you
>>> still have to go to the forum to discover the content of the
>>> contribution.
>> Nicely put. I've been on some places where notifications come in and you
>> have to click through (and possibly sign in!) and after a bit that extra
>> step becomes do it later, and do it later turns into never. An email I
>> can scan and decide pretty much immediately. And then delete it.
>> That last point is important. I get to manage my own interaction.
>> Mike S.
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> pyconuk mailing list
>> pyconuk at python.org
>> http://mail.python.org/**mailman/listinfo/pyconuk<http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyconuk>
> Nobody has proposed replacing the mailing list, or changing it in any way.
> Somebody just started a G+ community as well, and thought you all might
> like to know.
> Hugs,
>     Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Hartley    tartley at tartley.com    http://tartley.com
> Made of meat.       +44 7737 062 225       twitter/skype: tartley
> And that somebody being me :-)
Indeed it is not meant to replace *your* choice of communication, however I
felt that there are a lot of people who prefer another form of
communication, like google community pages. I do have in mind that I try
not to fragment the uk python community any more as it already  is and I do
want to be held responsible for being a good community admin.
Tim Golden did suggest a bi-directional link, however I feel that this
might not be beneficial in the amount of +1's and me-too's I expect to
occur. However I'll try bridging it manual by posting stuff that is on this
list also on the community page and vice verse if appropriate.

I do feel that the community page is growing quite nicely as in the three
days of existence we have just over 100 members.

Kind regards,

Martin P. Hellwig
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