[python-uk] Python Developers wanted, Troon Scotland

David Irvine david at david-irvine.com
Sat Jun 16 09:13:37 CEST 2007

Hi Tim

No problem - and thanks for all the messages so far. We have developed
proof of concept code and are happy to now move forward to a beta
version of our system. I cant say too much but we will be using kademlia
 via khashmir / kenosis or perhaps even jxta (python bindings required
but project started).

I can't say too much as we have many patents processing at the moment, I
don't want a patent argument here guys - we have done this for extremely
good reasons and the beneficiaries of these patents are all of us (by
that I mean mankind - this product would get swallowed up and killed /
changed by a couple of not so good corporates).

The position is preferably based in Troon, which is not so bad - one of
the nicest wee towns in Scotland I would say. Remote working is a
possibility but with regular contact (all dev so far done in Czech)

We use as I said p2p technologies and maintain the code base for cross
platform. We also require some wxpython, knowledge of windows / os/x,
darwin and posix login screens and replacing / extending these along
with robust installer packages (which should be simple but in fact is
not as straight forward as you would think).

We use agile development techniques and cmap server / xplanner to
develop ideas and code them. Unittests and perftests or similar, no
overtime, pair programming where possible (impacting on remote working
:-( but hey). The team is small but the opportunity is immense. Company
has 43 investors and is in process of meeting with more MSP's including
first minister, finance minister and minister for enterprise - it's very
 possibly something very god for the country we are hoping to achieve
and this is borne out by the involvements we have - Vint Cerf is aware
of us and we will be speaking to him near launch.

Company run by mechanical engineer, Dr. of Chemistry, Aircraft Engineer
/ Design manager, Electronic / computer science guy (who loves
algorithms) and possibly a nuclear physicist (pending) with another 6 in
development roles. So creativity and innovation are important to the

I hope this helps

Tim Golden wrote:
> David Irvine wrote:
>> Hi - sorry f this is out of order but I am fed up with recruitment
>> agencies and would like to pay 100% of what we pay to developers or
>> companies if at all possible - it makes more sense.
>> We are an R&D company based in Troon and are looking fro python
>> developers to work on a p2p application. If you are or know of anyone
>> please get in touch with me.
> Would you care to make public any more details? Is the
> work perm or contract? Is it based in Troon? Any particular
> technologies or other requirements? Just in order for people
> to do an initial filter...

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