[Python-uk] Next Cambridge python meeting ...

Michael Hudson mwh21@cam.ac.uk
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 19:04:11 +0000 (GMT)

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Edward Welbourne wrote:

> I neglected to discuss next meeting with folk after the thid Cambridge
> meeting: does Thursday 25th November meet with general approval ?
> This cold might even be history by then ...
> We've been meeting in the Maypole at 8pm.  At least one voice has sought
> another venue: however, short of a consensus emerging on the list this
> week, I'm minded to stick with what we've tried until we have a few folk
> sat down over a beer together and discuss it then.  Likewise, have folk
> views on the time ?

I would like to come, but might be a bit late. I'm going to a graduate
presentation thingy, but it starts at 6, so I shouldn't be too late.
