[Python-porting] python-future v0.12

Ed Schofield ed at pythoncharmers.com
Fri Jun 20 03:03:36 CEST 2014

Hi all,

Version 0.12.3 of python-future for Py2/3 compatibility is now available on PyPI.

The major new features in the v0.12.x series are:

- more robust standard-library import hooks
- a newobject base class with Py2-compatible special methods (__next__, __nonzero__, __long__)
- improvements to the past.builtins module (e.g. execfile(), and the Py2 behaviour of map() and filter() with None as a first argument is now available on Py3)
- a backport of the surrogateescape error handler from Py3

In v0.12.3, we now also have:

- backports of collections.OrderedDict and collections.Counter to Py2.6
- added Py3.4 support, so the test suite now runs successfully on Py2.6, Py2.7, Py3.3, and Py3.4

More details about the updates are here:


We’re aiming to have a Py3.5-compatible backport of the % operator for bytes objects for MySQLdb and other projects in the next major release (v0.13). If anyone would like to contribute to this, please get in touch! :)

Best wishes,

Dr. Edward Schofield
Python Charmers

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