[Python-porting] in-progress work on a pylint checker for 2/3 compat

Brett Cannon bcannon at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 21:58:44 CEST 2014

I've started writing some custom pylint checkers to warn when some Python 2
code won't (possibly) work in Python 3. I decided to go with aggressive
over conservative checking since pylint lets you turn off warnings
entirely, per-module, or per-line.

The code is sitting at
https://gist.github.com/brettcannon/40af38646cdc959dffbf so I have a backup
somewhere. It's not on some code hosting site because I need to decide if I
want it to simply be a part of caniusepython3 or if it should be a separate
project with some new name I don't have yet.

I'm posting about it here before it's complete so people are aware that I'm
working on this while I'm on vacation. My thinking is we are past the
convincing stage for people wanting to use Python 3; now we need to push
through the porting stage. With modernize(3k)/futurize to help porting,
this checker to prevent regressions along with -3 (and let people know that
porting from Python 3 isn't that bad), and caniusepython3 to know when
dependencies are no longer in the way, all the major tooling should be
there which can be done to assist in porting.
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