[Python-porting] Is this the best place for Python 3 porting discussions?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Apr 24 22:39:14 CEST 2012

On Apr 24, 2012, at 08:19 PM, Lennart Regebro wrote:

>Yeah, people are for some weird reason not asking questions. Not here,
>not anywhere. It's annoying as they sometimes come to the wrong
>conclusions about porting.

Agreed.  And I have to say, your python3porting.com site has been
*tremendously* helpful.  I've been using that as the definitive reference for
porting issues.  There are some omissions though, and I'm wondering if it's
possible to contribute content.  Since it's currently only available online,
maybe you'd consider publishing a branch some place where we can submit

Also, I've been modestly working on a quick reference guide.


There's no particular reason why it has to be on this wiki, it's just a
convenient place for it.  I'd be happy to fold the more general Python
recommendations into a quick reference guide elsewhere (maybe on your site) if
you feel it's appropriate.

>I think this is the best place for discussions, and for straight
>questions and problems, Stackexhange is hard to beat.

Do you hang out there?  There doesn't appear to be a Python-specific site and
I took a quick look at the programmers site but don't see much in the way of
Python 3 questions.  How can we best use Stackexchange for providing Python 3

I'm also thinking about an IRC channel on Freenode.  A quick search didn't
turn up a #python3 channel, so I'd like to register one.  Any opinions on
whether #python3 or #python3porting be more appropriate?  (Shorter seems
better to me).

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