Progress Box or Bar in Windows

dkinakin at dkinakin at
Sun Dec 31 03:11:11 EST 2006

Not that I want to suggest a completely different solution; however, I
have used:

to add simple file open dialogs, message boxes, and progress bars to
many of my scripts.

You may want to have a look at it. It's easy to install and really
simple to use.

tubby wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a Python script that I've prettied-up for Windows users by adding
> things like shell.SHBrowseForFolder and win32gui.MessageBox, etc. In
> short, it looks like this:
> 1. Pretty window where user can browse for folder. (instead of typing
> path into cmd prompt)
> 2. win32gui.MessageBox informing user the script will now begin.
> 3.
> 4. win32gui.MessageBox informing user the script has finished.
> I left 3 blank. This is where I'd like to use some sort of progress
> indicator (a box that says 'processing 3 of 30 files... 4 of 30, etc' or
> a progress bar that moves across the screen as the script does its job.
> Any ideas on how to do this quickly and easily (less than 20 lines of code)?
> I'd prefer to stick with the win32 extensions, but I'd be willing to use
> TK too if that would be simpler... and it looks like TK would be much
> simpler :)
> Thanks!

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