Progress Box or Bar in Windows

tubby tubby at
Sat Dec 30 19:50:59 EST 2006

Hi guys,

I have a Python script that I've prettied-up for Windows users by adding 
things like shell.SHBrowseForFolder and win32gui.MessageBox, etc. In 
short, it looks like this:

1. Pretty window where user can browse for folder. (instead of typing 
path into cmd prompt)

2. win32gui.MessageBox informing user the script will now begin.


4. win32gui.MessageBox informing user the script has finished.

I left 3 blank. This is where I'd like to use some sort of progress 
indicator (a box that says 'processing 3 of 30 files... 4 of 30, etc' or 
a progress bar that moves across the screen as the script does its job. 
Any ideas on how to do this quickly and easily (less than 20 lines of code)?

I'd prefer to stick with the win32 extensions, but I'd be willing to use 
TK too if that would be simpler... and it looks like TK would be much 
simpler :)


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