tkinter frames problem

Jerome Quelin jerome.quelin at
Thu Jul 6 07:53:50 EDT 2000

walter hanagriff <walter111 at> wrote:
>this is just a framework i am using as a simplified test case for adding
>i think that best explains what i want, any help would be appreciated

I don't know if this is what you want, but check the code below (run it as a
standalone app, it should work):

-- File
from Tkinter import *

class Main:
    def __init__(self, root):
        # The top label.
        text = 'this program figures the area, perimeter, and power of n'
        text = text + '\n' + '_'*len(text)
        Label(root, text=text).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)

        # The 'main' panel  to command the option frame to show.
        self.var = StringVar()
        main = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
        Radiobutton(main, text="1 = Find the power of a number", value='power',
                    command=self.update_frame, variable=self.var).pack(anchor=W)
        Radiobutton(main, text="2 = Find the area of a shape", value='area',
                    command=self.update_frame, variable=self.var).pack(anchor=W)
        Radiobutton(main, text="3 = Find the perimeter of a shape", value='perim',
                    command=self.update_frame, variable=self.var).pack(anchor=W)
        Button(main, text="Close", command=root.destroy).pack(padx=10, pady=10)
        main.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)

        # Create 3 frames, one for each option.
        self.frames = { 'power': Frame(root),
                        'area':  Frame(root),
                        'perim': Frame(root) }

        # Populate the option frames at your convenience.
        prefix = 'this frame is where you put information to get '
        list = (('power', 'power of n'),
                ('area',  'the area of a shape'),
                ('perim', 'the perimeter of a shape'))
        for (frame_name, text) in list:
            frame = self.frames[frame_name]
            text = prefix + text
            text = text + '\n' + '_'*len(text)
            Label(frame, text=text).pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

        # We start with one frame.

    def update_frame(self):
        # Unpack every option frame.
        for n in self.frames.keys(): self.frames[n].pack_forget()
        # Pack the current option frame.
if __name__== '__main__':
    root = Tk()
    start = Main(root)
-- End of file

I throw up your class Func and swept a little your code. Hope this helps ?

jerome.quelin at

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