tkinter frames problem

walter hanagriff walter111 at
Thu Jul 6 03:45:57 EDT 2000

it has been over a week since i posted this message with no response
while i see most others get an answer the same or next day, so i
reposted, i hope thats acceptable, or should i wait longer?
am i missing something to this letter that makes the problem
unanswerable? because i sent it in once without source and one person
finally told me to provicde the source with my problem so i did and i
got no responses to it, any advice for getting more help will be greatly

this is just a framework i am using as a simplified test case for adding
tkinter to my main program
The first class makes the first frame of the program giving the user 3
options, whichever option he
chooses opens up a second frame from the second class, but they just
keep piling up
i want it so that if an options frame is there when they pick another
frame, the first options frame will
i can easily delete the main frame from the Main class, but dont know
how to call the frames
from the defs in the second class, whether i try to call them from Main
or Step2, so how do i make what
i want happen
i think that best explains what i want, any help would be appreciated

from Tkinter import *

# this class makes the main frame and which frames are opened
class Main:
    # this function makes the first frame for the program
    def __init__(self, root):
        Label(root, text = "this program figures the area, perimeter,
and power of n \n"

        self.v = IntVar()
        Radiobutton(root, text = "1 = Find the power of a number",
variable = self.v, value = 1).pack(anchor = W)
        Radiobutton(root, text = "2 = Find the area of a shape",
variable = self.v, value = 2).pack(anchor = W)
        Radiobutton(root, text = "3 = Find the perimeter of a shape",
variable = self.v, value = 3).pack(anchor = W)

        next = Button(root, text = "Next", padx = 10, command =
        next.pack(side = LEFT, padx = 5)
        close = Button(root, text = "Close", padx = 10, command =
        close.pack(side = LEFT, padx = 5)

    # this says which frame to open depending on which radiobutton above
is picked by user
    def ifpick(self):
        if self.v.get() == 1:  self.func.frame2()
        if self.v.get() == 2:  self.func.frame3()
        if self.v.get() == 3:  self.func.frame4()

# This class makes the frames for each function
class Functions:
# this frame is for the power of a number, radiobutton option v == 1
    def frame2(self):
        Label(root, text = "this frame is where you put information to
get power of n \n"
        "______________________________________________").pack(side =

    # this frame is for the area of a shape, radiobutton option v == 2
    def frame3(self):
        Label(root, text = "this frame is where you put information to
get the area of a shape \n"
        "______________________________________________").pack(side =

    # this frame is for the perimeter of a shape, radiobutton option v
== 3
    def frame4(self):
        Label(root, text = "this frame is where you put information to
get the perimeter of a shape \n"
        "______________________________________________").pack(side =

if __name__== '__main__':
    root = Tk()
    start = Main(Toplevel)

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