Microsoft's C# (Sharp) & .NET -- A Heads Up

Blake Winton bwinton at
Tue Jul 11 00:12:22 EDT 2000

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000 17:52:46 GMT, Thaddeus L. Olczyk wrote:
>>If somebody's gotta be sued under these absurd current practices,
>>then, better it be MS, than me.
>Lately they haven't had that much luck in court. Anyone using C# has
>to take that into account and wonder if it will be here in two years.
>Look at J++ ( yes it's still around, but does anyone use it?)

Sadly, everyone in my office.

Sadly because we're working with JDK 1.2.2, which J++ doesn't support.
I've wasted at least four days fixing "bugs" which ended up being due
to J++, and its VM.

My-next-message-will-be-on-topic-I-promise-ly y'rs,
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