
Mitch Chapman chapman at
Thu Jul 13 11:25:36 EDT 2000

Cedric Lefeuvre wrote:
> 2...What is the capacity of Glade..I mean it seems to be easy to
> create static windows but is there the possibility (in the way to show
> results of some applications) for example to change the size of a tree
> or a a table....

So for example you'd like to show some reports in a
multi-column list, but the number of columns varies from report to
report?  This means you'd need to recreate the GtkCList widget
which shows the results, because you can't (very easily) change
the number of columns once the widget is created.

Glade can help with this.  One approach is to use Glade to layout 
the static parts of the UI, and then to dynamically create and 
add subhierarchies via pygtk.

If your subhierarchy is complex, you can use glade to create a
template for it.  Just store your subhierarchy as a child of a
new window; you can ask libglade to retrieve just the subhierarchy,
and then you can parent it yourself.

Email me if this is unintelligible.  Maybe I can send you
a Glade file as an example.

Mitch Chapman
chapman at

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