Compatibility between PythonWin and DISLIN

Christian Tismer tismer at
Wed Jul 5 10:41:35 EDT 2000

Ted Mew wrote:
> Has anyone tried to run the graphing package DISLIN using
> Mark Hammond's PythonWin 1.5.2?  Is DISLIN compatible with
> PythonWin?

I just tried it; they appear to have some different
ideas about event handling. But this can't be too hard
to solve.

> I have made a cursory attempt to run DISLIN under PythonWin,
> but crashed in flames, unable to read memory locations.
> Since PythonWin is MS Windows based, I suspect DISLIN is
> attempting to run as an independent process or DOS-based
> program, but have little knowledge in this area.

With Py1.5.2 and Win2000, it doesn't crash. I tried the CURVE
demo. It works fine in a shell, showing its own DISLIN window.
In PythonWin, the window is created, but then both pyWin and
the new window seem to be waiting on each other.

No, DISLIN does not try to be a main program, but it maybe makes
some assumptions about event loops. I'll look into the code
if I find time.

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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