iterating over lines in a file

Alexander Williams thantos at
Thu Jul 20 02:33:21 EDT 2000

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000 22:13:12 -0500, nobody <no at bo.dy> wrote:

>(fwiw, my preference for this stems mostly from a liking for brevity; the
>one real "flaw" in all the python workarounds is verbosity. i tend to think

If you want brevity, there are freeware APL interpreters.  If you
actually have to LOOK at code again 6mo later, you'll be very, very
thankful for Python's verbosity.

Alexander Williams (thantos at           | In the End,
  "I think sex is better than logic,                    | Oblivion
   but I can't prove it."                               | Always                                | Wins

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