Pyexpat build problems...

C.Laurence Gonsalves clgonsal at
Wed Jul 12 14:23:55 EDT 2000

I downloaded PyXML-0.5.5 from the XML-SIG status page on
( I followed the
instructiions in the README, and eventually I get a compile error in
pyexpat.c. I'm trying to build this on Red Hat Linux 6.0 on an i586.
Here's the error from gcc:

./pyexpat.c: In function `newxmlparseobject':
./pyexpat.c:474: parse error before `xmlparseobject'

Line 474 looks like:

        self = PyObject_New(xmlparseobject, &Xmlparsetype);

There isn't anything called "PyObject_New" in the Python headers on my
system. There is a "Python_NEW" though, and its parameters look right
for this situation.

I changed that, and now it compiles. I then installed it, and tried
running the included It doesn't work. It says:

ImportError: No module named pyexpat

So what's going on? There *is* a in
/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/xml/parsers/ now. I have to admit that
the way Python loads modules has always seemed like black magic to me
though, so I don't know if that's enough. Apparently not, given the
error I'm running into...

How can I get PyExpat working on my system?

  C. Laurence Gonsalves                "Any sufficiently advanced
  clgonsal at                     technology is indistinguishable      from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke

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