Switching to Linux...... converting files and databases....

Grant Edwards ge at nowhere.none
Wed Jul 12 16:33:34 EDT 2000

In article <20000712201149.7701.qmail at web5302.mail.yahoo.com>, Dave Williams wrote:

>Proposed project: The Windows to Linux Survival Kit
>Subject: Software that can open and read Microsoft's proprietary
>(wrong word?) files and convert them to databases and files usable by
>Linux's opensource software..

FYI, there are alread some projects like that: catdoc,
mswordview, (other things for excel and ppt files).  One of the
projects (can't remember the name) is a library of routines to
read/parse MS Office output.

Not that a Python library to do that wouldn't be a good thing...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  ... Just enough
                                  at               time to do my LIBERACE
                               visi.com            impression...

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