Python in game development?

Paul Prescod paul at
Thu Jul 20 17:25:37 EDT 2000

Rainer Deyke wrote:
> > "CheckTarget-<calcangles>-Steer-IfCloserThanX-Detonate". The script knows
> > how toget closer to what it wants - but does so not my reall playing god
> and
> > moving the missile, but just setting off a command "Steer" that tells the
> > physics engine "ThrustvectorAngleChange (angles)"... This is unlike the
> > scripts in the Quake engines that allow to do unrealistic things - in my
> > project, each script can only do what is physically possible - otherwise,
> > the missile will crash or the tank will tip over in a curve.
> This type of thing is possible in Python.  To prevent the script from doing
> something naughty, override __builtins__.

I'm not sure what you're talking about there. How can Python code
override the physics in code written in C? __builtins__ doesn't help!

 Paul Prescod - Not encumbered by corporate consensus
"Hardly anything more unwelcome can befall a scientific writer than 
having the foundations of his edifice shaken after the work is 
finished.  I have been placed in this position by a letter from 
Mr. Bertrand Russell..." 
 - Frege, Appendix of Basic Laws of Arithmetic (of Russell's Paradox)

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