The 'widget' demo with python/Tkinter

Francesco Bochicchio fbochicchio at
Sat Jul 29 22:55:38 EDT 2000

[ This lengthy post is separated in three pieces. Feel fre to skip the
uninteresting one ]

Hello everybody,

--------------/begin :-)

I've just bought and read (most of) 'Programming Python', after reading
some good reporting of Python in the news ( mostly the special in 'Linux

I must admit that currently I' in love with Python. I show all signs : I
separate from it and I talk about it to any collegue willing to listen (
and to several willing NOT ).

[ BTW : this love started in the Netherlands, where I occasionally trip
for my
  current job : is something in the air ? ]

-------------/end :-)

------------/begin success story 

Anyway, when my customer asked if it was possible to quickly implement a
specific MMI program, to be platform-independent and to be ready in  2
months, I jumped on the occasion of using Python/Tkinter for it ( to be
honest, it was also because I knew of the wanderful Canvas widget that
TK has, which will be the core of my program, which is a sort of 'data
display builder' ).

After a week, I already hacked significant parts of it, and I'm sure
that I took a good decision. 

-------------/end success story

-------------/begin question 

I'm looking forward to the close three-weeks vacation period to improve
my knowledge of Python/Tkinter. So I thought of duplicating the classic
'Widget' demo,which ships with TK and which I also found in a Perl/Tk

Did anybody already wrote it ? I looked hard in Python and Tk
documentation and samples and didn't find it.

When I started with Python/Tk, I would have greatly appreciated
something like this ( actually, I looked a lot at Tk version of it to
learn about TK ). So I
am willing to give it to the masses ( If I'm able to finish it ). Or do
you think
that the other demos are enough ? 

Any feedback will be appreciated.

----------------/ end question


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