merge (Re: zip or marry etc)

Bernhard Herzog herzog at
Thu Jul 20 10:57:07 EDT 2000

Peter Schneider-Kamp <peter at> writes:

> If there wasn't this cross product connotation problem I'd really
> prefer the syntactic sugar:
> for x,y; y in [(1,2), (3,4)]; [5, 6]

Could it be you meant

    for x; y in [(1,2), (3,4)]; [5, 6]:

? That's the version you used in your questionnaire.

This may habe been proposed before, but how about || as in

   for x, y in sequence1 || sequence2:

sequence1 || sequence2 would be equivalent to zip(sequence1, sequence2).

I think || conveys the notion of parallel iteration nicely. The main
disadvantage is that Python newbies coming from e.g. C or Perl will
confuse it with the logical or operator at first.

The zip() builtin has the advantage that you can influence its behavior
with extra keyword arguments like pad.

Bernhard Herzog   | Sketch, a drawing program for Unix
herzog at  |

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