Python not that wierd

Steve Lamb grey at
Thu Aug 3 09:16:15 EDT 2000

On 03 Aug 2000 05:41:23 -0400, Alexander Williams <thantos at>
>grey at (Steve Lamb) writes:
>> people's expectations.  I've yet, in my years of gaming, to ever see the need
>> to roll more than 12 dice, anything higher than 100 sides, or a modifier to

>Champions combat can have supers throwing around 20+d6 to resolve
>damage.  Storyteller/WoD can have 6+d10 if you're having direct
>contests between Elders who've prepped well (and don't think we
>haven't done it; when you game with Bruce Baugh, anything can happen
>:)).  I'm almost certain I threw 12+d6 at least once when playing
>Shadowrun 1st ed ...

    Yup.  Star Wars is like that as well.  BTW, the Perl version has a WoD
ruleset that is quite nice.  Set the target number, roll the dice, instead of
giving a total it counts the successes and botches, marking them
appropriately, and then gives the final result.  For the Star Wars ruleset it
did the wild die correctly by either marking it when it was a 1 (GM decides
what happens on a 1) or rerolling as needed on a 6.  Never got around to the
Shadowrun rules but from what I hear they are similar to the Star Wars rules.

>Er, what, me an obsessive RPGer?  Nooooooooo.

    Nah.  ;)

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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