Python not that wierd

Alexander Williams thantos at
Thu Aug 3 05:41:23 EDT 2000

grey at (Steve Lamb) writes:

> people's expectations.  I've yet, in my years of gaming, to ever see the need
> to roll more than 12 dice, anything higher than 100 sides, or a modifier to

Champions combat can have supers throwing around 20+d6 to resolve
damage.  Storyteller/WoD can have 6+d10 if you're having direct
contests between Elders who've prepped well (and don't think we
haven't done it; when you game with Bruce Baugh, anything can happen
:)).  I'm almost certain I threw 12+d6 at least once when playing
Shadowrun 1st ed ...

Er, what, me an obsessive RPGer?  Nooooooooo.

Alexander Williams (thantos at           | In the End,
  "Blue Jester needs food."                             | Oblivion
  "Blue Jester needs fuku-wearing cuties."              | Always                                | Wins

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