Andrew Kuchling akuchlin at
Wed Aug 16 14:14:30 EDT 2000

Courageous <jkraska1 at> writes:
> Python will not outperform Java. If some performance savvy
> wizard wants to prove me wrong, I'll gracefully accept
> tons of egg on my face, but otherwise I believe that you
> have made some sort of measurement error.

That would depend; the JVM has very low-level byte codes, which the
PVM has more high-level ones.  I'd be surprised if the original
poster's claim of a simple for loop being correct, but I'd buy it for
more complicated programs.  

(I can hardly wait until the GCJ front-end is complete and stable;
native-code compilation for Java would be excellent, and would make it
a good choice as an implementation language for Py3K.)


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