some comments for Python 3000

Jim Althoff jima at
Mon Aug 14 14:04:41 EDT 2000

I would love to see a higher emphasis placed on JPython.


At 10:58 AM 8/12/00 -0400, Arthur Siegel wrote:
> >I think Python is already quite good at that (win32all for MS,
> >JPython for Java, CPython for Linux). But, of course, >improvements  can
>(and will) be made here.
>Comments I will take as an opportrunity to ask after the
>realities surrounding JPython's development.
>Sourceforge now hosts two sites - one with a familiar
>and impressive list of developers (affiliated with PythonLabs) and 0
>activity, and that of Finn Bock - who is quietly incorporating fixes, adding
>compatibility features, answering users questions and generally keeping
>JPython alive.
>Shouldn't the community be discussing the situation and its

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