Python Trademark Status

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sat Aug 26 13:49:22 EDT 2000

[Andrew Kuchling]
> CNRI also doesn't really have any developers to spare to work on
> Python.  Most of the other development groups at CNRI don't use Python
> much beyond a bit of simple scripting.  The only serious Python
> hackers left are Greg Ward, Neil Schemenauer, and me.  We're all in
> the MEMS Exchange group and are too busy to take up maintaining a CNRI
> Python distribution (not to mention that we're also all too sensible
> to want to do so).

Thanks, Andrew!  So, as it still appears, CNRI wants some legal exclusivity
to the right to use the name "Python", but not for their own use.  Hmm; it's
hard not to leap to an unflattering conclusion.  But the description in
their Python service mark application sounds much more like a website than a
programming language:

    information services, namely, providing computer programs, news,
    links, and documentation relating to an object-oriented computer
    programming language and its development environment.

CNRI's earlier application wrt "JPython" is for a trademark, and uses very
different language:

    computer software that implements a programming language

I see they've also applied for a service mark on "Python Consortium".

BTW, do you guys get any work done over there, or do you spend all your time
dreaming up ways to stop other people from doing theirs <wink>?

quick!-somebody-grab-"psa"-before-they-remember-it-ly y'rs  - tim

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