Newbie trying to use Python with Sendmail and MySQL

Sam Penrose see at message.body
Sat Aug 26 00:24:48 EDT 2000

In article <39A43CA2.C406F420 at>, jtulabing at wrote:

> I am attempting to receive a mail message, and then push all the data
> within the message to a MySQL database.  Is there already a tool or app
> that already does this?  If not, is Python the best way to go?

1) I am not sure if there is a module for *receiving* email (although in the standard distribution sure looks like one). Assuming 
the mail is just a text file on your drive, you could read it in as with 
any file.

2) If you're running on *nix, you'll need (current version 
approx. 0.2.1), which can be less than fun to compile. Search recent 
postings for commentary. allows you to write standard SQL 
strings to MySQL.

spenrose at well dot com

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