Python not that wierd

Alexander Williams thantos at
Fri Aug 4 19:01:12 EDT 2000

m.faassen at (Martijn Faassen) writes:

> No, I don't know. Now tell me what Sailor Moon is. :)

Sailor Moon is an import Japanese animation (anime) based around a
group of teenage girls (14-16) who are granted secret powers as a
result of being the reincarnations of princesses from an ancient "Moon
Kingdom," who face off against the agents of the Negaverse who want,
in general, to suck away human lifeforce or destroy the Sailor Scouts
themselves, and often both.  Imagine a cross between teen angst
soap-opera and GI Joe with an all-girl cast and you're getting in

Lots and lots and lots of web sites on the topic; always worthwhile to
go dumpster diving on the topic.  Guardians of the Order produced the

> Anyway, I think I already have an interesting background for the game
> designed. It'll likely feature Gordon McMillan as one of the central
> NPCs. :)

Hey, you know, we can work this in.  Sailor Moon + Giant Robots +
Tentacle Demons + Python Conference == Bizarre hillarity ensues!

Alexander Williams (thantos at           | In the End,
  "Blue Jester needs food."                             | Oblivion
  "Blue Jester needs fuku-wearing cuties."              | Always                                | Wins

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