Cthulhu not that wierd

Simon Brunning SBrunning at trisystems.co.uk
Fri Aug 4 08:58:06 EDT 2000

> > Should-organize-a-game-at-the-next-conference-ly yours,
> Definitely, Martijn! That would be neat. I'm more of a HEROS (formerly
> known as Champions) kind of guy -- I feel in love with super-heroics
> because of it.
I used to run Call of Cthulhu stories using the 'Danger International'
rules, if you remember them. A Hero system spin-off.

Since I'm into this 'arcane runes that man wasn't meant to understand'
stuff, shouldn't I be learning Perl?

Seriously-off-topic-ly Y'rs,
Simon B.

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