Python Trademark Status

Grant Griffin g2 at
Sat Aug 26 04:49:01 EDT 2000

Tim Peters wrote:
> Note that CNRI didn't apply for a trademark, though, they applied for a
> service mark.  If we were lawyers, I bet we'd find that fascinating <wink>.
> i'm-sure-someone-does-ly y'rs  - tim

Guilty as charged <wink>.

IANAL (or even merely "anal" <wink>), but as I understand it, the
essential difference between a "trademark" and a "service mark" is just
whether the thing in question is a "good" (for trademarks) or a
"service" (for service marks.  Aside from that distinction, I think all
of the other aspects of the two are the same.  (Obviously, some gray
areas can come into play here, but then again, that provides employment
for lawyers. <0.5 wink>)

For web authors like me whose site provides a "service" rather than a
"good", this causes endless trouble in terms of web presentation,
because the W3C and the common character sets don't provide a special
"SM" character, as they do for "TM" and "(R)"*, and even "(C)".  Also,
to the uninitiated, "SM" suggests something vaguely immoral <nudge,
nudge; wink, wink; say no more>.  

   -<nudge,-nudge;-wink,-wink;-say-no-more>-ly y'rs,

*Ironically, once you "register" your trademark or service mark, you get
to use the "(R)" designation, regardless of which kind of mark it was. 
Go figure.

Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at
Publisher of dspGuru                 
Iowegian International Corporation

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