Still no new license -- but draft text available

Tim Peters tim_one at
Thu Aug 3 15:47:15 EDT 2000

> ...
>     5. Licensee agrees that defining the difference between
>     clicking and not clicking is an epistimelogical impossibility.

[Grant Griffin]
> I'm not for certain if you're a _Dutch_ bot, Tim, but if so, you
> get a point here not only for wit but also for using a 75-cent
> word like "epistimelogical" (which, BTW, I just used the mouse
> to copy--I didn't dare try to spell it myself).>
> One day, we native English speakers may or may not learn what
> this word means.

Thank you, Grant.  This shows the importance of engaging the community in
open debate about the terms of the license to which they are about to freely
enslave themselves!  Consider the license Officially Amended via addition of
a new clause:

   4.17 Licensee agrees that Licensee's failure to channel the
        true intent of any BDFL pronouncement, including, but
        not limited to, the clauses in this License Agreement,
        and for any reason whatsoever, including by way of
        example, but not limited to, ungrammatical construction,
        use of non-existent words, seeming self-contradiction,
        or neglect on the part of the BDFL or his appointed
        representatives to publicize said pronouncement, and
        whether deliberate or accidental, shall not in any way
        relieve Licensee of Licensee's obligation to comply fully
        and cheerfully with aforementioned intent, which intent
        the BDFL may from time to time choose to reveal, clarify,
        modify, amend, obscure or withdraw, at His sole discretion
        and pleasure, with or without notice to Licensee.  Licensee
        further agrees that "foo" is an ugly word that should not
        be used in Python code examples.

I'm sure all will agree this is much less controversial than changing the
spelling in paragraph 5 to "epistimological", as taking that step could
foster a damaging suspicion among the community's lower classes that the
BDFL (or one of His appointed representatives) may have made a mistake.

a-license-we-can-live-with-a-license-we-can-trust-ly y'rs  - tim

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