Creating Python "executables" on Windows?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at
Tue Aug 8 11:27:17 EDT 2000

> I have one problem, though: on Unix systems, it's very easy to create
> a script that you can run as an executable by placing "#!/usr/bin/python"
> (or the /usr/bin/env variant).  I wonder how to do the same on Windows?

It happens automatically in the Python setup.

Look at the .py iles in exolorer and they should have 
little snake icons. If so just double click on them 
to launch the program. The default runs it in a DOS box 
but you can change the bindinfg to use pythonw instead 
of python and it runs without the DOS box.

Of course you'll need to stop the DOS box from exiting 
if you expect to see the results/output

raw_input("Type enter to exit...")

does that for you.

> It's certainly quite annoying to have to type "python executabl args"

If you need to provide args then thats harder, you'd need 
to get the args by prompts using input/raw_input but that can be
done with:

if __name__ ==="__main__":
	if len(sys.argv) = 1:	# no args
		arg1 = raw_input("Enter the first arg ")
		# etc
		arg1 = sys.argv[1]
		# etc


Alan G.

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