website python engine (slashdot)

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin at
Tue Aug 8 16:37:53 EDT 2000

Karl Ulbrich <caribou2 at> writes:
> SquishDot, which runs on Zope (which is written in Python), is
> already a pretty-well-developed SlashDot clone.
> Last I looked, it could use some technology updates to take
> advantage of some of the new frameworks and features available
> in the latest versions of Zope.  

I've been toying with the idea of writing a Slashdot-alike using
Quixote.  One design goal would be to keep the recommendation/rating
machinery separated out, so you could use different ranking models.
Slashdot uses rank-all-messages/everyone-sees-same-ranking.  Advogato
uses a more scalable rank-all-users/everyone-sees-same-ranking.  Sites
such as Amazon use rank-all-objects/everyone-sees-different-rankings;
for example, it notices that users A and B rank things similarly, and
assumes that A and B like the same things.  A site could apply the
same model to postings; I hate funny posts, so my ratings will be
assembled from rankings by other people who also hate funny posts.


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