Win32gui... file dialogs?

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Fri Aug 25 21:48:37 EDT 2000

"Alex Martelli" <alex at> wrote in message
news:8o592h0cuo at
> "Kevin Cazabon" <kcazabon at> wrote in message
> news:I_kp5.201386$8u4.2042579 at

> There's a win32gui.GetOpenFileName function, but I can't find
> usable docs on it; trying to call it elicits the info that it
> requires a 76-byte string, but it's hard to fathom what is to
> go into that string.

It is worth recalling that win32gui was actually created for Windows
CE, where I didnt want to bloat the module with support for all the
win32 structures you may need.  Hence I went the string route, and
assume you will use struct etc to get at it.  Far far from ideal, I
agree.  Longer term though, .py wrappers can hide this.

win32ui.CreateFileDialog() is pretty close, but alas it does not
support multiple selections either.  It would not be hard to add this
support tho - if you are interested and able to build from sources (or
wait for a future build) I can add it.

OTOH, maybe working out the struct magic for win32gui, and putting
that into a .py file would be a better option?


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